Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Ideas Please

I think I should write a book, and the title shall be any one of the followings:
  1. Blackberry - Your Foe in Marriage!
  2. It's Either BB or Me - You Choose!
  3. How Blackberry Killed My Marriage Intimacy!
  4. To H*** with Blackberry!!!
  5. How Blackberry Ruined My Relationship!
  6. Icon of Communication - definitely not a Blackberry!
  7. I Hate Blackberry!!!!
  8. D*** You Blackberry!!!!!
I remember my friend used to write in her blog that she found it very sad when she saw a couple at the restaurant, facing each other but neither of them was talking to each other. Both of them were busy playing with their phones. Let me tell you, when either of them has a Blackberry, especially the man, you do not even have the desire to go for outing feast as a couple!!!!
Man, is it really the fault of the communication medium or is it that the intimacy is really dying off? Imagine having to fight for attention at the dinner table, before going to sleep, in the car while driving, while watching TV together as a family, and what else....does it look like I'm complaining? Not to worry, my complaint will never reach the intended audience.
Whatever it is, the d*** Blackberry will still prevail and persist in our life, forever. Argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


akmalhizam said...

my suggestion:
1. get a hammer
2. smash (or squash) the Blackberry

you'll get:
a. the needed attention
b. resentment from the owner (we men can come up with many ways to display this)

but, objective is met. and the message is loud and clear.

replacement phone is cheap, btw. have it ready, wrapped nicely as a truce settler.

Noraidalin Buang said...

Bro, the BB is provided by management to ease communication between multiple parties - internal and external. Dalam jamban pon boleh jawab about the STQ, COP, AFC, IFB, etc etc.....I guess I just have to adapt.....kesian aku...