Friday, June 5, 2009

Sweet and Neat

I've just found out that this new PC in office has a Picasa. Yihaaa...the previous user had installed it, and before IT guys come for audit next week, at least I got something here as a trial.

I have become Tupperware dealer for personal consumption plus agents for a few frequent buyers. So all of you who wish to make your home neater, or is trying to make your lovey dovey wife to love you more, can contact me.


mark said...

She also aspires to become a full fledged Tupperware dealer! Diversify...nice!

Noraidalin Buang said...

Why not, turn a hobby into a business as well?

akmalhizam said...

Aku pun baru install minggu lepas Picasa tu.
Ingatkan harini nak buat collage tu jugak.
My dream tupperware item: Rice dispenser. Mak datuk mahalll...