Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wisdom of New Year

Does age come with wisdom or does wisdom comes of age?
Or does it boil down to your life's exposure and challenges which you have to face?
The more work or life challenges you face, the more wisdom you will gather. Yes? No?
When something happens to you, mostly events where you consider as "bad luck", you will despise the event. But soon, as in the Malay community, people will say - "Sabarlah, mesti ada hikmah di sebalik ujian ini, atau di sebalik terjadinya perkara ini". It sounds as a little bit cliche, albeit true. There are always hikmahs behind a bad event, only you will realize it later if not sooner. As a result, to comfort yourself of any bad events, try to convince yourself that - there will definitely be something positive here. Dig and you will concur.
As in the marriage life, you can never know your partner's overall true color until the day you die. BUT, if something unexpected were to happen (the bad ones la...e.g. husband got transferred elsewhere further from your eyes and nose), it will expedite the emergence of the true color of the couple - for both men and women. If trial like this happens, we can judge and see how much perseverance, strengths, patience and loyalty both parties have to overcome the endless challenges they have to face. Getting out from it, the phase of "getting to know each other up to the bottom of it" will either makes the marriage better or worst. This kind of exposure, especially when couples are separated for a very long time, would undoubtedly bring them up one level higher in their relationship. But then again, caution here, people can change. It can never be "ceteris paribus", or so I learnt during my Economics class back in college. We can only hope for the best.
People change. That's a fact. In conjunction with this Maal Hijrah - well today is the 2nd Muharam, I hope people around me and also myself, will change for the better. All those life experiences, should be reflected and converted into pieces of key learnings, which will make us better individuals, or much better Muslims and Muslimahs. As the years pass by, so do our life's experiences. Go and seek new challenges, meet new people, try new things and try to revive and cherish whatever you already have, people who you love and especially with your parents (caution : mom in law tak masuk). Haha....that one is a great barrier reef which I have not understood how to swim and scuba dive into....
Experience can be converted into wisdom, when we reflect on it and try to find all the hikmahs or the good things behind its happenings.
Therefore, I am of the opinion that wisdom definitely comes with age. Not the other way.

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