Friday, February 18, 2011

keadaan saya hari ini

Hari ini makanan saya makan semua terasa pahit.
Saya rasa agak dizzy bila berdiri.
Kadang2 saya rasa mcm nak pengsan.
Saya masih byk batuk.
Fikiran saya berkecamuk.
Saya cuba untuk lupakan semua masalah.
Saya cuba untuk mengumpul kekuatan untuk ke tempat kerja.
Saya ke klinik semalam dan doktor kata tekanan darah saya rendah, mungkin sebab batuk berpanjangan.
Saya perlukan banyak motivasi.
Nasib baik saya jumpa laman yg bagus - Lega rasanya.
Inilah agaknya lumrah kehidupan. Masalah itu Allah cipta untuk kita serlahkan potensi diri.
Saya suka prinsip ini.
Mudah-mudahan saya akan dapat mengumpul kekuatan untuk lebih bersemangat mengharungi kehidupan.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Sifat Mahmudah Suami dan Isteri

Dipetik dari buku - Doa Menjadi Pengantin Baru Setiap Hari - Ustaz Zahazan Mohamed.
  1. Taubat - kuatkanlah keazaman utk meninggalkan segala kesalahan dan dosa-dosa besar melalui jalan ilmu, penyesalan dan niat untuk tidak mengulanginya. Kesalahan dosa-dosa kecil akan terhapus dgn istighfar, zikir, tahmid dan berwuduk.Takut akan Allah - Orang yg takut kepada Allah adalah orang yg berilmu. Gandakanlah amalan2 soleh dan tinggalkanlah amalan yg dimurkaiNya.
  2. Mahabbah (kasih akan Allah) - mengasihi Allah dan Rasul melebihi segala-galanya.
  3. Zuhud - tidak terlalu gembira apabila mendapat sesuatu dan tidak terlalu sedih apabila kehilangan sesuatu, sentiasa memandang sama antara org yg memuji dan mencela dan sentiasa berasa tenang ketika beribadat dan terdorong utk membuat amalan taatkan Allah dan Rasul.
  4. Sabar - dalam melakukan ketaatan, menghadapi kesusahan dan tuntutan nafsu yg ingin melakukan kejahatan.
  5. Syukur - ilmu, amalan dan suasana. Bersyukur atas nikmat kesihatan, rezeki, kemudahan hidup, kurniaan pancaindera dan sbgnya.
  6. Ikhlas dan Benar - patahkan dorongan hawa nafsu dan keseronokan dunia. Benar dalam perkataan, niat dan kehendak, keazaman, menepati janji dan benar dalam amalan mulia.
  7. Tawakal - letakkan keyakinan sepenuhnya kepada Allah, setelah melakukan usaha dan ikhtiar.
  8. Redha - segala ketentuan diterima dgn syukur dan sabar.
  9. Mengingati Mati - hadith nabi,"Sepintar-pintar manusia ialah orang yg sentiasa ingat akan mati dan sentiasa bersedia menghadapinya, mereka itulah orang yg bijaksana".

"Katakanlah bahawa maut yg kamu sekelian ingin lari daripadanya itu pasti mendatangi kamu, kemudian kamu sekelian akan dikembalikan kepada Zat Yg Maha Mengetahui segala yg ghaib serta yg nyata. Kelak Dia akan memberitahu kamu segala yg kamu telah lakukan". Surah Al-Jumuah:8.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tribute to Rosmiza Osman

I need to say a few words to my friend, Allahyarhamah Rosmiza Osman - My friend cum college mate cum group work team member cum a person who brought me closer to my current life partner.
She passed away peacefully last 29th Jan. 2011.
Dear Memeq,
I did not know you well when we were at PPP, Subang Jaya. I knew you were in class 2E, same with my good friend Azlina Yatim. Your close friend had always been Azura aka Zack from your same hometown of Kelate.
I did get to know you a little bit more when we were at PPP, Shah Alam, since we were majoring in the same area - the boring Economics classes and all those elective classes. I knew you were always jovial and that you had a boyfriend since your schooling days (STF), who would visit you on and off at Shah Alam. 
Suddenly you were there in the same college with me in IU. Somehow we never got to be roommates. Different wavelengh?
Somehow some things connected us, and 1 of the phenomenal surprise, a gentleman named Izwan Johari. Macam hebat. Well, let bygones be bygones. I am sure all of us did learn a lot from the incident. It is part of growing up.
Your cheerfulness had attracted a lot of guys after that, I reckon. That's a big advantage, not many gals have that.
I travelled with you with 6 other gangs to Canada, Pennsylvania, Washington, Boston and New York. As the hadith quoted, "If you want to know a person, go travel with the person". And so we got to know each other better, I assumed. Remember, we rent a van from "Rent-A-Rack" and it broke down at the highway? The sheriff came for rescue and you were so anxious to snap pix with him? Oh I remember that vividly. In the end, nobody dared to approach the big fat round tummy sheriff, and regretted for not doing just that.
Then the fun started to taper off, when school was about to end, you got to know a guy, who happened to study in UMN, TC.
And somehow you have helped me to get to know a guy from UMN too. Remember the incident at the UMich Ann Arbor Book Store? Man oh man. He was supposed to know me online, not in person.
You were one gal who had impacted my life.
When I went to your wedding in Tanah Merah, I was so happy for you last March 2010. I had no clue of what's happening. I even told you, "Meq, syukur ko dapat budak muda ni, bukan org 50-an tua punye". You just had that big laugh. Remember I hugged you and said a few words of wisdom, among them:
"Sebagai seorang isteri, kita kena sentiasa bersabar. Walaupun kita di dalam keadaan benar, kadangkala kita perlu tunduk dan patuh, kerana syurga seorang isteri adalah di kaki suaminya".
In my mind I was thinking of a hadith "Kalau Allah benarkan seorang manusia sujud pada seorang manusia lain, aku akan suruh seorang isteri sujud pada suaminya". I hugged you for a long time, Meq.
I've been married for quite some time now, and I really wanted you to have and remember that piece of advice on your gracious wedding day. I didn't know that you had much bigger priority then, than all of my advice to you.
You were sick. Dead sick. But on your wedding day, you looked as usual. Your usual self. Pandai ko Meq. I don't know whether I can do the same if I were you.
I thought you would "bersanding" next in Penang, and you would continue your happening life in KL.
Apparently not ya Meq. Nobody informed me you were hospitalized. Until Zack SMS me and asked, "Do you hear anything about Memeq?" "Mana ada. Last aku pegi wedding dia, ceria semacam jer".
Then came another SMS from Zack, forwarded from Amalin, your cousin Meq. "Memeq has passed away at 11.50am today due to ovarian cancer".
Masya Allah Meq. Innalillah wa inna ilai hi rajiun. Semoga Allah tempatkan roh mu bersama mereka yg beriman Meq.
You know in your life, you may get to know millions of people, but some people create big impact to your life. In my life, Rosmiza Osman is one of those persons. Luckily I managed to whisper that to her on her wedding day. Dalam pada aku berbisik tu, aku yg sedih. Member relax jer. Mungkin air mata ko dah habis tak Meq, waktu tu? Aku frust sebab I had no clue that you were dead sick.
Ya Allah. Selamatkanlah roh sahabatku, jadikanlah dia roh yg aman, dan tempatkan rohnya bersama roh orang yg beriman.
Aku pon respek kat laki hang tu. He knew that you were sick and he consciously agreed to continue to get married with you and take care of you....alamak Meq, mana ko nak dapek laki mcm tu zaman sekarang Meq....sungguh bertuah ko Meq, usia muda, hansem, jiwa yg cekal and hati nurani yg sungguh murni. Salute lah. Nama dia Azad kan?
When I tried to reflect, you were so damn lucky Meq. Allah amik sebahagian dari nikmat, dan Dia beri lebih byk rahmat. Semoga Allah cekalkan hati Azad yg hanya sempat berumah tangga dgn Meq selama 10 bulan.
I miss you, Meq. I wish we could have some talks before saying goodbye. I know Allah has better plans for you.

Thank You Allah

Alhamdullillah, aku masih sihat, supaya aku boleh lebih banyak beribadah dan membantu insan lain, dalam mencuba menjadi khalifah yg baik.
Alhamdullillah, aku masih boleh bekerja, supaya aku boleh membantu meringankan beban kewangan suami.
Alhamdullillah, aku masih bernafas hari ini, supaya aku boleh melihat anak-anakku membesar dgn kasih sayang dari ibu dan ayahnya.
Alhamdullillah, aku masih bertahan di tempat ini, supaya aku dapat membantu ia lebih maju dan menjadi lambang kejayaan anak watan yg majoritinya adalah muslim.
Alhamdullillah, aku masih diberi peluang untuk mengetuai, supaya aku dapat membimbing anak watan ke pencapaian yg lebih baik.
Alhamdullillah, aku masih lagi seorang isteri, supaya aku dapat berkhidmat kepada seorang lelaki bernama suami.
Alhamdullillah, aku masih lagi seorang ibu, supaya aku dapat mencurahkan kasih sayang dan didikan yg sebaiknya untuk darah daging ku sendiri.
Alhamdullillah, aku masih punya teman-teman, supaya aku boleh berkongsi saat suka duka bersama.
Alhamdullillah, aku masih punya iman, supaya aku dapat mengawal perasaan marah, benci, meluat, dan yg sewaktu dengannya.
Alhamdullillah, aku masih punya pegangan agama, supaya aku sedar akulah seorang daripada hiasan dunia.
Wanita adalah perhiasan dunia, dan sebaik-baik perhiasan, adalah wanita solehah.
Syukur alhamdullillah, Thank You Allah.
"Dialah Allah Yg Menciptakan, Yg Mengadakan, Yg Membentuk Rupa, Yg Mempunyai Nama-Nama Yg Paling Baik. Bertasbih kepada-Nya apa yang ada di langit dan dibumi. Dan Dialah Yg Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Bijaksana". (Al-Hasyr:24).

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Positive Charge

Sometimes whatever it is in your subconscious will haunt you, in your free thinking time or in your sleep.
If what is inside your subconscious mind is good, then you will be happy all the time.
However, if what's inside your subconscious is like "mimpi ngeri" or kes "luka lama berdarah kembali", no matter how hard you try to suppress it, it is still there in your subconcious perimeter.
How do you throw away this "zan" in Arabic means "syak wasangka"?
The prophet said, "Half of Presumptions are Sinful" = Sebahagian dari perasaan syak wasangka adalah dosa.
This goes back to 1 talk by Dr Fadzilah Kamsah, we must always have this principle called "Husnu Zan" = sentiasalah bersangka baik.
It's not easy to have Husnu Zan when some bad experience had happened in the past. On the other hand, you cannot have "syak wasangka" all the time. Whatever you believe, will come true.
Be careful of your thinking, since you are what you think. While you cannot control what happens to you, you can control how to react to the event. This comes to the notion = Always think positive. Think positive, so your actions and reactions will be positive, and you will lead a positive life. Everyone is given 24 hours a day, might as well spend the time positively. Enrich your mind and soul.
Just now I talked about being and trying to stay positive no matter what events were to happen to you. This is the way:
  1. Surround yourself with positive people.
  2. Always listen to positive talks e.g. motivational CDs, brief spirit uplifting talk on Light FM at 7.30am, or IKIM motivasi talk 7.30am also.
  3. Say the positive words always, try to limit yourself from saying all the bad sentences
Well, they liked the talk. Suffice to say, after what had happened, it is crucial for majority of us to stay positive.
What is life without a challenge. Allah also says "Bagaimana kamu katakan kamu beriman jika kamu tidak diuji?" and "Allah akan menguji setakat kemampuan seseorang untuk menerima".
Means, there are certain things which you can control, and for those which you cannot control, take it positively, because it is part and parcel to make you a much better Muslim.
Now go back to the subconscious, try to press the negative thoughts harder. Apply the Husnu Zan to kill off that wasting-time-of-no-use-GTH kind of thinking.
Supress it harder everyday. Even though sometimes it may appear in your dreams, try to clarify and see the results.
We'll know the results soon.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Alahai - what's up what's up...

Alahai, nampak gaya masih ada orang berminat nak baca blog gua yg sudah penuh dgn sesawang ni. OKlah, gua tulis sikit.
Alahai, Puan Khamisah dah selamat meninggalkan kerjaya lama dan telah pun mulakan kerjaya baru di tempat serba baru. Bukanlah satu kejutan, kerana Puan Khamisah memang seorang yg cekal, ada matlamat, dan sentiasa bersedia menuju matlamat tak kira apa rintangan yg bakal dihadapinya. Pertama kali dia beritahu akan berhijrah, terus gua ucap "Tahniah!". Ingat senang ke nak berhijrah setelah hampir 20 tahun berkhidmat? Gua salute lah! Ramai jugak kawan2 gua yg dah berkhidmat lebih 10 tahun telah berhijrah. Gua berprinsip bahawa hijrah itu akan membawa lebih byk kebaikan. Hijrah akan membentuk peribadi mulia dan akan meningkatkan taraf hidup seseorang. So, bila gua nak berhijrah? Payah nak jawab ni. Mungkin gua akan berhijrah rumah kot. Nak kena cari rumah yg lebih dekat dgn tempat gua carik makan. Penat lah. Kaki dah semakin lenguh.
Alahai, sungguh seronok bila kita dapat membina hidup di luar negara, terutama di negara maju. Tak kira lah berapa usia, kalau diberi peluang, gua akan terus grab untuk menimba pengalaman hidup di luar negara. Baru hari tu gua chit chat dgn pemandu teksi ke KLIA, dia kata ramai pelancong asing suka datang ke Malaysia kerana byk yg best2, except for the bloody public toilet. Baguslah. Gua pun turut bangga jadik rakyat Malaysia. Dalam pada tu gua sempat gak cucuk jarum suruh driver tu cari peluang ke luar negara. Dia kata dia dah pegi Thailand. Baguslah, at least kita akan lebih menghargai apa yg ada di tanahair sendiri setelah kita melihat keadaan daif di negara yg kurang maju dari negara kita. Kalau kita tengok rakyat miskin di negara jiran dan jugak di India tu, sungguh lah gua bersyukur menjadik seorang Muslim di negara Malaysia tercinta ini. Org Malaysia susah nak miskin. Kalau mereka miskin, that's a choice. Kecuali mereka yg keluar kat program Bersama Mu tu lah, bila ibu tinggal kena besarkan ramai anak, atau orang tua yg dah sakit atau cacat, itu yes. Diterima. Yg muda belia dan bertenaga kalau miskin, memang patut hantar mereka ke Somalia. Baru dia tahu jerih perih nak hidup, sampai sanggup jadik lanun, dah dapat free travelling ke Malaysia tu...silap haribulan tak balik, jadik UNHCR refugee pulak. Kang silap2 gua tengah makan kat warung, member datang jual jam tangan dan tali pinggang....perghh.....inilah negara ku, macam2 boleh jadik juga.
Alahai, 2 minggu lepas projek MDP gua menang The Best Project and gua sudah menang The Best Student dalam program MDP tu. Phewittttt....ingat senang ke nak buat group work bila team members nya bersepah? Kat Sabah, KL, Thailand and Pasir Gudang. Kata je ada Skype, YM, etc, tapi method lama jugak yg berguna. Pakai email jugak yg selamat. Sungguh mencabar nak siapkan assignment and group work dalam masa yg singkat, with such high expectation. Tapi gua sudah berprinsip, biar berkerat arang dan berpatah rotan, my mind was already set, that this would be The Best Project ever! Hahaha.....lepas tu dah rezeki pulak bila other groups punya topic tak berapa nak ngam with the assessors. Yg part Best Student tu, was really unexpected lah. Itu pon rezeki jugak lah. Dalam pada "berjuggling" with daily operational matters in the office and at home, gua sempat menghabiskan semua assignment. Dan agaknya memang gua suka menulis, the professors liked what I had to express. Dah dapat 2 biji pewter mugs yg memang cun lah.
Byk lagi be continued...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Money & Religion Cannot Be Separated

Tuesday February 1, 2011

Managing our finances aptly

By MOHAMAD AZHAR HASHIM, Centre for Economic and Social Studies

ABOUT 1,430 years ago, Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him), through an incident that befell one of his companions, taught us a supplication (Du'a) in response to the burden of debt.

The Prophet advised his companion to utter these words: "O Allah, I take refuge in You from anxiety and sorrow, weakness and laziness, miserliness and cowardice, the burden of debt and being overpowered by men."

In the present era, debt continues to be a predicament to mankind, as proven by the current global economic and financial crisis.

Retrospectively, if one may recall, the Asian financial crisis, which occurred more than 10 years ago was also due to debt, in the form of corporate loans.

For individuals like us, the prevailing economic trend either may have forced us or enticed us into debt.

At a time when household loans are common currency, taking a loan from a bank or a lender and carrying the burden of paying the principal plus interest or profit has been the trend of our lifestyle.

Various groups in the community have continuously voiced their concerns about this, and reminded us against the troubles and perils of debt.

Nevertheless, economic reality may suggest otherwise.

Inevitably, in recent years, due to the volatility in the external economic environment, the domestic household consumption needs to be boosted to offset the slackening external demand for goods and services.

This factor, coupled with the steady income and job prospects, as well as the breakthrough in new technology that brings about more innovative and attractive features in consumer goods, has pushed up the demand for household loans.

In response to this, financial institutions and other household lenders have inundated the market with easy consumer loans products, which make it less of a hassle for households to borrow.

The target market is fixed-income earners, particularly those who work in the civil service.

Recently, Bank Negara Malaysia revealed that household debt stood at RM577bil or 74.5% of gross domestic product (GDP) compared to RM561.5bil or 78.1% of GDP as at August 2010.

At this level, loans to households accounted for about 50% of total loans extended by the banking system.

Based on this, the central bank said that household debt was still at a prudent level.

The statistics may have limitation, as it only accounts for household loans within the banking system.

Hence, we do not know the real exposure of household debt.

It appears to be that there are a lot more lenders in the economy, which operate outside the banking system.

These lenders comprise cooperative societies, licensed and unlicensed moneylenders, and other sources of household credit, which are not classified as financial institutions under the Central Banking Act.

In recent times, these institutions have thrived with advertisements and flyers found everywhere.

Through these lenders, applicants can bypass the Credit Bureau's Central Credit Reference Information System (CCRIS).

In other words, those who are unable to acquire household loans from financial institutions in the banking system can still enjoy the facility.

Apart from these lenders, various government and state agencies also provide study loans to individuals, and there are household loans provided under employment schemes by certain organisations.

These loans are not accounted for under the banking system and thus, not included in the statistics.

The spending trend of our younger population is also of great concern.

Many observers feel that our younger generation has been adopting a lavish and luxurious lifestyle.

Nevertheless, if we look at current economic realities, it is natural for those who have just entered the job market to incur debt.

Should someone need a housing loan to purchase a reasonably priced house for his own occupancy, he would also require taking a personal loan to pay for the down payment of the house.

Those who intend to own a car will likely face similar circumstances.

In addition to that, financial institutions are also generous to offer credit cards or overdraft facilities with certain credit limits to the borrower.

It is quite common today for a person to end up having three or more loan facilities instead of only one that he actually requires —thanks to cross selling strategy adopted by financial institutions.

Inevitably, this may create a psychological impact on the borrower — he may think that his purchasing power has been increasing.

The business strategy of the financial institutions warrants observation.

To achieve their goals and performance targets, several financial institutions have outsourced their sales and marketing activities of their personal loan products.

As a result, we can now see an aggressive trend of sales and marketing strategies for consumer loans products. This is obvious with the presence of sales agents almost everywhere at strategic locations.

Apparently, their income depends on the number of applications and approvals; hence, the more loans approved, the better for them as that is how they earn their living.

In response to the prevailing trend, what we need now is to increase our level of financial literacy.

In this regard, the latest financial education programme called Power (Pengurusan Wang Ringgit Anda) organised by Agensi Kaunseling and Pengurusan Kredit (AKPK) is timely and essential for all Malaysians.

We look to this programme for the essential financial knowledge it provides in instilling the confidence in us to make our own financial decisions effectively.

It is our hope to see the outreach of the programme covering all Malaysians from various walks of life.

Not only the urban dwellers, but also for those in the rural areas and encompassing a wide target group from schools to mosques.

In a nutshell, financial management is about managing our lifestyle.

In this regard, as to enhance the effectiveness, and to make it more practical to society, it is vital to include the religious dimension into the content of the financial education programme.

For example, the programme could include discussions on the position of debt and wealth from the religion's perspective.

In addition, spiritual input in managing our daily life needs to be included so that we can have a more holistic approach in our financial education programme.

Indeed, being one of the pillars of our Rukun Negara, religion input is necessary in all aspects, as it would lead us to live a better life.

Charles Lamb, a British essayist, once wrote, "The human species, according to the best theory I can form of it, is composed of two distinct races, the men who borrow and the men who lend."

So long as these two races of the human species continue to exist, likewise, the issue of debt will continue to persist and continue to be the bane of our prosperity.