This year we celebrated all our birthdays with a birthday cake each (Jan - May). What normally happened was:
1. The birthday girl/boy got so excited and was expecting a cake.
2. Somebody went to the cake shop secretly and brought it home.
3. Family members surrounded the cake (to judge the looks and number of candles).
4. All presence sang the Happy Birthday song and "Celebrity" would blow the candles.
5. "Celebrity" cut the cake and handed over to all anxiously waiting audience, for them to confirm does the taste correspond to the looks and whether the number of candles correspond correctly to the celeb's real age.
We try to not view this as a ritual, but rather a special day for the celeb. Anyway, what is the biggest significance of a birthday cake?
a. It differentiates your age group (age of innocence vs. age of not so innocent)
b. It symbolizes your wisdom (the number of candles is positively correlated with brain cells developed and utilized, hopefully)
c. It signifies a celebration which is not necessarily favored by the "celebrity of the day" (especially for women, the age stops at 25).
d. It is a symbol of bonding between individuals - if one person gets older, the circle of friends or family members who celebrate it have the sense of getting older too. The clock will never stop ticking, and aging is my friend - unavoidable.
I got this SMS forwarded to me on Mother's Day:
Woman at 20 - mengancam , At 30 - bermacam-macam
At 40 - terancam, At 50 - diancam
At 60 - tak boleh nak cam!!
Whatever it is, life is full of uncertainties and that is why if we fail to plan, we plan to fail.
A reminder to myself - take life one day at a time and ensure that today is better than yesterday, and that tomorow is much better than today.