Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Buckle Up, Baby!

The Seat Belt Convincer
The Seat Belt Convincer demonstrates the importance of wearing seat belts to a diverse group of individuals. The system enables a passenger to experience the actual force generated during a low speed collision and the value of the restraint provided by the seat belt. Once passengers experience the force generated during a 5 mph collision, a new respect is gained for the protection that seat belts can provide.
Hohoho..just got back from lunch, entered the working place and saw a tent from the entrance. Heard about it since last 2 weeks, so this is the chance to experience the real thing. In we went.
I just had a plate of mee goreng, and with full tummy, the impact of dizziness far outweigh the shock. At the simulated speed of 10km per hour, the g-force is at 0.5, enough to make me feel all the internal organs shocks and am experiencing chest pain. Imagine if it is at 110km/h?
No matter where you sit in the car, buckle up people!

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