Saturday, October 25, 2008

That Thing called "Rebonding"

Hair Rebonding. Very common. But what is the purpose? I've heard of it umpteenth times, my friends have done it since ice age, and yet I'd never had the interest to find out what is it, let alone experiment its excitement.

My early assumption was it is for reconnect back loose hair. Sounds a little bit brainless. To kill off my curiosity, I'd visited a few saloons last nite. With price range of RM100++ to RM200++, I was thinking that hey, maybe it's not such a bad idea to experiment it once.

Of course, approval and recommendation from Mr X was sought beforehand. Don't even think of putting any hair color, he commanded (as I was thinking of doing a little bit of highlighting here and there, or maybe some burgundy may be nice :P). The sweet amoi kept on insisting that I put some color, but to her disappointment, I told her that my sweet Mr X will kill me off and I won't have the chance to come to her saloon again. What she did was:
  1. Hair washing
  2. Putting on some gel
  3. On the hair heating machine
  4. Hair washing
  5. Putting on some more gel
  6. Hair washing
  7. Dry my hair using the flat dryer
  8. More gel
  9. On the heater again
  10. Hair washing
  11. Apply cream for treatment
  12. Hair washing
Finally, after 3 hours and 5 times hair washing, I've got a new look.

Couldn't wait to get home and showed off to my family members. Showed to my nephews, their comment was - "You look like high school girl. Tingkatan berapa??" The show stopper of it all, of course, has got to be the exposure to Mr X. This is what he said:

"I think it doesn't suit you".

Verdict - hair rebonding - never again.

However, last week I've got a success in Rebonding of a long lost friendship. People with great chemistry normally will remember each other for life. So a success in another type of rebonding. Rekindle of a jurassic friendship.


akmalhizam said...

Naza went for a hair spa treatment last week.
Smells really nice and it lasted for few days already now.
She looked radiant, and of course, a happier lady.

Noraidalin Buang said...

Itu baru rambut bro..I suggest for her to go for body and face treatment. She'll look more radiant all over and of course, you can be a much happier husband :)