Monday, October 13, 2008

Ultimate Reward - Reward Yourself

It's high time where I think I need to reward myself, for surviving and maintaining my sanity and health despite all challenges life puts me through.


Unknown said...

Whoa! Nice one!

Noraidalin Buang said...

Thanks! It was a battle between Dior and Gucci. The Dior one - the brand description at the frame sides ruined my tudung. So, forget it.
Actually I was looking for a pair of nice Armani. Unfortunately all there were looked like Paris Hilton wanna be.
Sesekali in rewarding yourself...

Anonymous said...

Nice one and nice two (glasses and odyssey).

Always reward yourself - at the very least once a year. Buy yourself a bday gift or reward yourself for a job well done. You have given a lot - need to receive once in a while even if it's from yourself.
Cheerios! Do have a good one! Luv u.

Noraidalin Buang said...

Thanks Kak Zai..I know this one will attract comments from ladies only. Men tak berani nak komen mende mcm ni..danger zone...

akmalhizam said...

it matches perfectly with the new car.
100% uv resistant?
polarized lenses?

Noraidalin Buang said...

Heck with all the technicalities. Assumed all meet specs. It's the LOOK that matters...ladies...normal lah...