Saturday, October 25, 2008

Rebonding - Part 2 (Stereotype No More)

I was late during the first day of the course. Left with no choice, I was forced to sit at the very end. It's not the strategic location of the seating that matters, it's the person that you have to seat next to which is more heart wrenching.
There he was. I had stereotyped him as being a person with these characters (based on my past trainings conducted which he had participated in):
  1. Unlimited grudge against all souls in my department (I'm doing business improvement, and somehow people don't seem to like us, we know but heck with it, life has to go on).
  2. Out there to create mess or havoc in any class.
  3. Won't talk to me.
Throughout the 2 days, surprisingly we did communicate well. He admitted that he too had these sceptics about me and all those in my department:
  1. Stuck up bunch of people
  2. Out there to mess with people's comfort zone
  3. Never socialize with the masses
At the end of the day, somehow we manage to click to my great surprise. We even talked about family matters and he even asked if he could come over my house should I plan to organize any parties in future.
Hmmm...really such a turnover of perception for 2 individuals who really despised each other before. Before it all ended, I gave him a warning though, not to complicate our people more than what he had contributed in the past.
To all my CBI (Capability Building Initiatives) friends - I present to you a guy from Procurement. Stereotype no more.


akmalhizam said...

i posted the article above in the morning, and something happened in the afternoon after solat jumaat in the masjid.
a person whom i have the description of 'out there to annoy people at every opportunity because he was somehow annoyed by the system', talked to me. well, before this we had a few brief chats, but i would always try to avoid him. i don't know why, but he's a bit mellow now.
and i felt relieved for not having a bad feeling on him before knowing him well.

Noraidalin Buang said...'s difficult to guess who you're talking about..I mean sometimes we have misconception on people from the lower levels up to top people. But it's good that you clear it up when you communicate with the person more often.