Friday, April 17, 2009

I miss those days...

I miss those days...when the car or bus driver would stop when I wanted to cross the road. Pedestrians first, in their minds, and we tend to follow the rule.

I miss those days...when the bus driver would say "Hi!" or "Hello!" or "How are you today?" when I alighted the bus and "Have a nice day" or "Have a nice weekend" or "Enjoy your holidays" when I wanted to get off from the bus. They said that to practically every passenger. Imagine the sensitivity and cohesiveness.

I miss those days...when the cashier at the counter would ask "Paper or plastic, maam?". This would indirectly indicated how much you love Mother Nature as you always claim.

I miss those days...when people around always said "Thank you" or "What's up?" to show appreciation and empathy to you. Where have all these beautiful words gone?

I miss those days...when I could easily return things to the store where I bought them, without much questions asked. Sometimes I just said "I don't like it" and got my money back. Truly money back guaranteed.

I miss those days... when we shared orders for Victoria Secrets, J. Crew, and any other things we could think off to get them via lovely...

I miss those days...when I walked more and cycled more than driving more to move around. I was maintaining weight of about 100 lbs...convert that to kg huh...

I miss those days...when I thought that people actually cared for and missed me. They sent cards, gifts, love letters, flowers,'s been long gone....

I really really miss those days.


akmalhizam said...

Our actual manners and consumerism is a far cry from the westerners. More or less, we are the reverse of theirs.
So much for our much publicised 'berbudi bahasa amalan kita'.

Noraidalin Buang said...

When do you think our society will change? Looks like it's getting so much worse, not better off day by day. *sigh*.