Friday, April 3, 2009

Speedy Green

I've got several anxious query about the new car. Sometimes it feels good to create suspense a little bit. Just something that can make us look forward to search for the answer. Well friends, I can't hold it any longer.

The last few days before letting go of the Myvi, I got a little emotional, again. It's not that I purposely wanted to get rid of you. You have served me well, but my painful legs will persist if I were to continuously clinging to you. The pain had become unbearable. And at nite before going to sleep, I had no masseuse who'd willingly massage my legs. Oh dear, this is how it had to end. Believe me, I had that connection with you, and someday I'm sure you'll understand.

Taaaadaaaaaaaa...finally, mystery solved. The unveiling of my new Speedy Green. Shown here is the location where we'd surveyed and tested drive the car. Nissan showroom in Plentong, JB. The salesman was busy unwrapping the plastics cover of the seats.
View from side. The pead's version was in red. I did request for red, but the red model was of 2008. This is the exact version of the car which I'd tested. I consider it as green, even though the registration says it's KUNING.
Voila, finally I get to bring back and drive an imported car under my name. I can't say I own it since it still belongs to the financer, truthfully.
Already I got comments like - "sayangnya bawak kete ni masuk yard, abis kena habuk blasting...". Well, the car is meant to be used. For my own comfy. It's value is not going to appreciate anyway if I were to leave it at home. It is meant to be driven. What to do...
So far in the place where I work, I've seen 1 red Latio Sedan driven by my friend - Hizam. The other 1 belongs to me. I guess the two of us can start a Nissan club after this (as already spoken to him this morning, he agreed).
My boss also got to know about it and he made a comment allright. Albeit surprised (since he was a spend thrift freak), he was happy for me since it was a Nissan. "Oh, my 1st car was a Sunny. 120Y". I guessed he must have used it for umpteenth number of years. His Wira is already reaching 15 years.
Fellas, no more surprise. I will update on its performance and fuel consumption soon. As of now, it feels great to speed on the road!


umie zazzy said...

at last dpt gak tgk the new cute car.. colour apa lg ada..?

Noraidalin Buang said...

Black, silver, white, red. Nak tempah bagitau aku.

Rock Oi! said...

wow..cun melecun,,mana gambo interior kalau ada nak tgk,,,bape cc ni ek,,mmg comel sesuai utk pompuan..

tapi tgk gambo myvi tu nampak kesian jer,,.

hurul said...

hemm... at last. nice ride lin. bukan myvi tu baru jugak tukar ke lin? i bet i will be seeing new one maybe two years from now?

Noraidalin Buang said...

CC 1.6. So road tax srill RM90 jer. Interior dia biasa jer, tak secanggih Honda City. Tapi bawak sedap..kesian kat Myvi eh? Aku lagik kesiannnnnn...tapi what to do..

Huhu Hurul..manyaknya duit makcik...that Myvi was 3 years old..takdenya nak tukar kete lagik kot...maybe 8 years from now?? Aku pakai Wira dulu dekat 8 tahun gak..cuma aku berangan kata kat Mr. X, 10 years from now kita masuk showroom Naza Mercedes plak :P. Dapat Harrier sebijik ker..huhu...