Saturday, May 30, 2009
May Wisdom Grows Along
Aku plan nak publish cerita melawat Melbourne tu, tapi tak siap2 lagik karangan. Lepas tu nak masukkan gambar pulak, kena buat kat rumah. Memang lah payah. Hari tu update Facebook pun start pukul 12 malam sampai la ke pukul 2 pagi. Memula start pukul 11, lepas tu anak aku lepas sorang, sorang lagik kacau suruh naik atas tido. Lepas semua dah tido barulah boleh ber"facebook". Sejak ofis ni ban facebook, jarang sungguh dapat aku pegi korek cerita kat situ.
Besday aku ni kira dah start dalam 9 jam, tapi Mr. X macam lupa pulak nak wish. Sedih lah beb. Haha...tadi pagi2 lagi anak aku yg Husna tu dah kata "Hari ni besday Mama kan...". Oh, gumbira sikit rasa hati, sebab ada gak orang tersayang yg terdekat nak wish aku pepagi buto.
Semalam dekat ofis ni dah aku dah tiup kek, bersama dgn boss aku (besday dia 1 hari selepas aku daaa) and with 1 other colleague. Miss Tan dgn begitu baik telah membeli kek utk kami, so ada mini celebration kat ofis semalam petang. So dari segi tiup kek dan buat wish tu, kira dah selesai lah satu agenda, walau buat di ofis.
Terima kasih aku ucapkan pada kawan2 yg telah mengirim ucapan Happy Birthday, dan yg telah menyokong jatuh bangun aku dalam hidup beserta mendoakan kesejahteraan aku sekeluarga. Jasa kalian hanya Allah yang mampu membalas.
Oleh kerana aku baru seminggu balik dari the land of down under, aku nak tujukan lagi di bawah ni kepada semua wombats, wallabies, kangaroos and koalas yg sempat aku lihat, tapi tak boleh pegang sebab Victoria's Law prohibit from touching all their iconic animals.
Cobalah Untuk Setia - Kris Dayanti
Apalah mau mu kasih
Kau pilih diriku di dalam hidupmu
Nyatanya ku lihat kini
Tak bisa kau coba untuk setia
Sudah cukuplah sudah
Ku memberikan waktu
Kau selalu tak bisa mencoba untuk setia
Yang selalu ku inginkan
Yang selalu kunanti
Kau coba tuk mengerti
Apalah arti mencinta
Dan harus kau sadari
Bila ingin bersamaku
Jangan coba kau ingkari
Cobalah untuk setia
Apalah mau mu kasih
Kau pilih diriku di dalam hidupmu
Nyatanya ku lihat kini
Tak bisa kau coba untuk setia
Sudah cukuplah sudah
Ku memberikan waktu
Kau selalu tak bisa mencoba untuk setia
Masihkah aku di inginkan
Masihkah aku di dambakan
Masih ada waktu untukmu
Bersamamu akankah ku jalani hidup
Yang selalu ku inginkan
Yang selalu kunanti
Kau coba tuk mengerti
Apalah arti mencinta
Dan harus kau sadari
Bila ingin bersamaku
Jangan coba kau ingkari
Cobalah untuk setia
Semoga dengan pertambahan usia ni, aku menjadik seorang insan yg lebih tabah menghadapi segala dugaan Yang Maha Esa, insya Allah. AMIN.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Dear Mom-in-Law
"Economy to contract more than projected- The country's economy is likely to contract more this year than the governments current gross domestic product (GDP) growth target of between -1% and 1%", Second Finance Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah said.
Or this?
Malaysia back as leading auto producer in Asean - Malaysia has regained its position as the largest automotive producer in the Asean market for the first quarter of 2009, taking over the lead from Thailand.
Or maybe this?
Is the US dollar driving oil prices or vice versa? - In case you have'nt noticed, oil prices have been on a tear.
Maybe not.
For today, let's talk about this:
Now, this is news worth dwelling.
According to a study by LPPKN (National Population and Family Development Board) done in 2004 (which makes me wonder what took them so long to publish the results, haven't they improved under Pak Lah's stewardship? DUHHHH), the Malaysian phenomenon is as follows:
Main reasons for divorce for the 3 major races in Malaysia (in order of severeness):
- Mother-in-law
- Infidelity
- Abuse
- Not being responsible
- Mother-in-law
- Incompatibility
- Cheating, health, gambling
- Not being responsible
- Mother-in-law
- Infidelity & Refusal to put up with polygamy
- Incompatibility
- Not being responsible
Why they only published this results this month? This is May, the supposed Mother's Day celebration month. This only strengthens the fact that your Mom-in-Law can never be your true mom. Their love will never be the same. Or their love is fake and phony, just to ensure that you take care of their son. It's ok for their son to hurt you like hell, but never ever turn the table. In all instances, you're still the alien species to the family. Got it?
It's funny also that they only published the reasons for divorce. What about the main reasons why couples cancelled their divorce plan? That'll be much more interesting. Perhaps they can start their study now, so we can get to know the results in, let me see, 2014? Or 2020? Depends on who will rule Malaysia at that time eh?
Friday, May 15, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Dire Need for a Savior
We last visited it 2 years ago, and we have discovered that the condition is actually deteriorating, instead of improving. The funny part was, I saw the banner outside the zoo saying "Towards being a world class zoo", or something like that. Unfortunately I didn't take a snap of that banner.
What a shame. Have they done any benchmarking and improvement actions before displaying the banner to the public? As a Malaysian, my "water face" would drop significantly upon meeting tourists who were at awed with the zoo's dismal condition.
Being part of national attraction and mostly advertised place of interest to visit in KL, something drastic really needs to be done to save this place, and the poor animals. What a pity.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Where Have All the Common Sense Gone?
Blurr Candidate (BC) : I used to work in IRB and then in a few factories. In my last company, I realized that I need a job in a government sector. The company is not stabilizing. I want err...errr....
Bored Panel of Interviewer (BPI) : You mean job security?
BC : Oh yes. That's the word. I want to be save (smiling, nodding, happy that the BPI able to understand his need).
BPI : Hmmm.... (Dude, which planet you're from??)
Scene 2, Take 1:
BPI : Tell me why you want this job?
BC : My company told the staff to be dispersed. We are going to be located in other subsidiaries.
BPI : You mean the company is scaling down its operations?
BC : Yes, yes. My boss told me to go and find other better job elsewhere.
BPI : Hmmmm....(Dude, you're so screwed).
Scene 3, Take 2:
BPI : Encik KH, let me give you some advice, just in case you're going for other interviews after this.
- When you attend an interview with a private sector company, please don't say that you're actually looking for jobs in government to get that job security, but so far to no avail. (DUHHHHH...)
- Please also don't tell them that your current company is scaling down. It sounds that you're in desperate need for another job. (it makes you look cheap, dude, seriously).
Monday, May 11, 2009
"Entertain Client" - The Sequel
Wife : Kalau pegi entertain client tu, you pegi makan je lah. Lepas tu balik rumah.
Husband : Itu namanya bukan "entertain client".
Wife : ???
Wife : Ok, you pegi, tapi suruh orang lain la entertain the next step. Suruh other PMT guys.
Husband : Tak boleh. They need managers. Important clients require only managers level to entertain them.
Wife : ???
You can find this sign at shops selling fragile goods:
But you can't find the same sign anywhere in a marriage regarding trust:
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Who Exactly Do You Entertain?
Before this I was just guessing and imagining what would normally happens, but today, seems like my imagination and guess were far off from what is the reality. Hmm, how naive I have been.
"Entertain Client".
2 poisonous and deadly words.
As a woman of chastity (insya Allah , I hope), and more so as a Muslimah, all these while I could only imagine what actually is the meaning in terms of what kind of activities constitute the entertainment part. In the world of men, entertainment can only give one meaning. That part I "mastered" already. It's the actual detail action of what's inside the "entertainment" word is the real shocker for me. We are not talking about doing it privately back in a hotel room, we are talking about doing it in the "karaoke" place, open, public and in total disgust!
My source is very reliable. He was speaking based on his past and current duties. But now he said he had past that stage. The excitement only lasted for a few months for him, then it was enough. Now being the Head of Department, he'd asked his staff to go and "entertain clients". He is a non-muslim alright, but his encounters that the main players in this field consists of majority muslims is really sickening.
First, take the client out for a nice meal at a fancy restaurant, or wherever his stomach desires. Then, go to a place where the word "sing songs" was just a gimmick. The word "karaoke" is a window dressing for the damn filthy heinous activity. He was excited when telling me the details, but I was dead sick. It's like these people have turned into animals when they are in such situation. The room would be dark, the girls would be on drugs, just imagine. That's why I said ANIMALS. They perform acts equivalent to donkeys (keldai bodoh).
Their reason : It's part of my work alright.
Or is it? Are you entertaining the client or are you entertaining yourself?
In Islam, any activities which bring you close to ZINA is haram. Allah doesn't say zina itself, He said any activities which bring you close to it. Because He knows. He created us and He knows what action we'd end up with. And with the severe punishment outlined by Him in the Quran, we could implicate that such a heinous activity shall bring disaster, if not now, must be later. He knows everything.
For single - to whip you 100 times.
For married ones - to throw stones at you until you die.
Can you imagine how severe the punishment is? That means it is deadly if you do it. But why do people still "entertain client"?
If someone close to me tell me that he's going to "entertain client", I already know what he is up to. Can I say, "pegi makan je lah, lepas tu balik", you think he'll accept? Or can I say "Kalau client you layan the GRO, you tengok je lah jgn pegang pulak..". Do you think it'll work? The hell.
Well, life after death is longer than our life now. Just hold on to that.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Foreign Smell in Boleh-Land
Last weekend, I managed to drop by Border's bookstore in The Garden, a newly opened high-end mall next to Mid Valley, KL. The moment I entered the bookstore, I could smell the very familiar odour which was distinctly, foreign. It was the smell which I had long for a very long time. It's almost equivalent to the smell of my luggage coming back from the US. It's that nice, strong and indeed, out of this Boleh-land kind of odour. I had missed the smell, and now, if I feel like being "there", just drop by at Border's. Kesian aku ek, how pathetic!
The visit was fruitful since not only me who got to enjoy the smell and choices of books, little Eusoff as usual, showed signs that he too, was deeply in love in books.
Getting back to reality, looks like mama has to save a lot of money if mama wishes to go back to the US, again. In the meantime, dream on.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Air Mata Kasih (part II)
Among others, a program called Bersama Dato' (hosted by Dato' Fadzilah Kamsah) with special focus on Kenapa Wanita Menangis (Why Women's Tears are Dead Cheap?). There were many useful information in it based on his own research and by research of many other subject matter experts. I very much like the introduction in which he differentiated the categories of tears - the quality ones vs. the cheapo ones. The highest quality of tears are meant for:
- Bila seseorang bertaubat dengan bersungguh2, mengenang akan dosa2nya yg lalu.
- Bila berdoa, bermunajat dgn bersungguh2 dan ingin sangat mencapai hajat yg suci.
- Bila mengenang kisah2 para nabi2 dan rasul2, betapa peritnya perjuangan dan pengorbanan yg mereka terpaksa lalui, compared to whatever that we have faced to date.
- Bila terasa sangat2 bersyukur atas segala nikmat yg Allah telah beri selama ini.
- Bila mengenang dan menghargai ciptaan dan kebesaran Allah.
Remember that I was supposed to find clips of Abby and Dato'? Unfortunately, I think the featured program has not been downloaded into youtube yet. Nonetheless, Abby's series of unfortunate events has stirred the world and hence, videos on her, the j*** and the 3rd party were a lot! Had a glimpse on some of the videos, with a few noteworthy reminder:
- 1 so-called motivational speaker concluded that it was a case of COMMUNICATION breakdown between husband and wife. Just what is the heck communication?? If only one party is interested to talk and collect the pieces and try very hard to re-build them while the other party on the other hand is ruining everything, what can we expect?
- Abby did say that she pursued the course for separation since she thought that it's time she thinks about herself, after all the while busy thinking of others. And for that, I truly supported her action. It's like inborn in a married woman that once she got married, she will think of other people and other things, except for herself. Suami dah makan ke, anak sihat ke, mak kat rumah ok ke, rumah kita bersih tak, baju dah gosok ke belum, weekend ni nak buat apa, duit simpanan untuk masa depan cukup ke, bla bla bla. At the end of the day, we look miserable and again, if the marriage fails, the first finger would point to the wife. Penatlah weh....
Today I read in a newspaper about how Ikhwan leads his marriage with Wardina (Ikhwan is Mr. X's schoolmate back in Taiping). Apparently they both come from very different worlds, and that's the very basic fabric which knit them together. I like when he said, "Bila kita bergaduh, saya cepat2 ingatkan diri saya, kenapa kita berkahwin? Kita berkahwin kerana mencari keredhaan Allah". A point very well said, Ikhwan. Unfortunately not many people share the same thoughts and perspective, even though that is, in my humblest opinion, the only savior to a marriage.
Friday, May 1, 2009
The Very Meaning of Last Minute
I just helped Mr. X to send in his tax filing for the year. Apparently he's been working on it while I was showering and taking my very own sweet time to calm myself before turning in to bed. When I touched the laptop, the time shown on the laptop was 11.55 pm. Oh my send or not to send...that's the biggest question..
I was surprised, even though the Celcom's blue cube kept on alternating between blue (fast) and green (slow) color, he managed to turn it in, on time. LHDN time recorded it as sent at 11.54pm, but the laptop's clock clearly marked it was already 12.04am, 1st May 2009.
Perhaps the people at LHDN adjusted their clock to match the very mediocrity of Malaysian tax payers as the usual suspects - last minuters.
Why when it was at the very last minute, ideas seemed to flow, figures seemed to be correct, paragraphs seemed to look OK, but not a few days earlier? In the case of Mr. X's tax filing, he forgot the password. To get the password, you need to call the LHDN office. That's a major killer. He got that pasword a few days ago allright, but why only tonite managed to turn it in? Hmm, again, a case of don't worry, it'll be allright. This is Malaysia, the Boleh-land (as according to my Kiwi Drama Queen).
Well, look at it this way. We pay tax. Shut up.