Monday, May 4, 2009

Foreign Smell in Boleh-Land

Sometimes I did dream about life back in the US. The dreams were so real and vivid, that always I was deeply frustrated when waken up, oh my gosh, I am in Malaysia and I am no longer a student. How sad...

Last weekend, I managed to drop by Border's bookstore in The Garden, a newly opened high-end mall next to Mid Valley, KL. The moment I entered the bookstore, I could smell the very familiar odour which was distinctly, foreign. It was the smell which I had long for a very long time. It's almost equivalent to the smell of my luggage coming back from the US. It's that nice, strong and indeed, out of this Boleh-land kind of odour. I had missed the smell, and now, if I feel like being "there", just drop by at Border's. Kesian aku ek, how pathetic!

The visit was fruitful since not only me who got to enjoy the smell and choices of books, little Eusoff as usual, showed signs that he too, was deeply in love in books.

Admiring the choices of books. Hey, nice smell too.

Big daddy to the rescue.

Going to the bookstore doesn't have to mean you're a geek.
It can be fun to have some exercising cum playing of hide-and-seek.

Back at aunt Ruby's house, he prefers books to other toys. Bro Daniel's collection was just superb.
Eusoff pointing at pictures and texts, wherever he deems interesting.

Getting back to reality, looks like mama has to save a lot of money if mama wishes to go back to the US, again. In the meantime, dream on.


Rock Oi! said...

dah besar dah Eusoff..comelnyer!!!

Noraidalin Buang said...

Tq Tq. Actually letak nama tu sempena nabi Allah Yusoff. Seorang yg hensem namun beriman dan berakhlak mulia. Tidak menggunakan kehenseman ke jalan yg salah...chewah...itulah harapan mak dia kat Eusoff.