Thursday, July 31, 2008

Golden Handshake

Kak Hafsah came to see me this afternoon and shake my hands for the last time.
Kak : Today is my last day working here.
Me : Oh ya..after how long you serve?
Kak : 28 years.
Me : Wow, so how do you feel today?
Kak : Sad.
Me : What do you plan to do next? Take care of grand kids?
Kak : I have no grand kids yet. It will be a whole new world for me. Let me think of what to do next when I am at home.

After 28 years, clock in at 8.00 am and clock out at 5.00 or 6.00 pm, day in day out. Finally, come THE day. No token, no gratuity. No cheap watch either. That's how far the human touch of this place go.

Not to complain further. The biggest advantage of working for an organization is the chance to build network of friends, some may even be closer than your own family members. I guess she must have made tonnes of good friends, and for sure she will miss some of them later.

The bad side - we have to adjust to a whole new world on our own after that. Life can be better or worse, depend on how fast we can adapt to change.

Hmm, what if it turns out to be me later on to bid farewell after serving this place for so long? I'd love to look back and think about what and how much I have contributed to the very end. JFK said "Ask not what the country can do for you, ask what you can do for the country". Same cliche applies.

Maybe I can't show off physically the things I have contributed to this place, but I know they exist somewhere in those servers, folders, files, store rooms and selected brains. Most importantly, the contributions impact the bottom line either directly or not, so me and my fellow comrades could get better renumeration. Not to forget, for this place to continue to exist and remain a business entity for generations to come.

Hey, I can complain a bunch of bad things about this place, but I also survive from courtesy of this place. From here, I got to do things and buy things. The renumeration can never be satisfying, but getting better. Rather than continue complaining about the inadequacy and mediocrity, I'd rather focus on those things which I can make better off.

Bottom line : Ask what you can do to others more than what others can do for you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I never expect gifts from any company that I've worked for. I'm searching for that lasting impact or impression or rather if I was an inspiration to anyone. What was my reputation? Do people trust me and believe that I deliver - in good quality and shape. As long as you know you have done that (even to just a handful of people), you can walk away contented forever. I am always proud to see every time they (JSH - used to work there) hand out that lab form, that billing printout and design, to name a few and I'll smile - coz those were my designs. I started that. That's good enough for me. If some of them remember it's a bonus, otherwise it's cool. At MMHE, let me say other MMHEians trust me at HR more than others. That's really good enough for me. Don't reach for the impossible. Just grab some goodies - not the entire basket.