Monday, July 14, 2008

Searching for the One - Redha

We are repeatedly told and thought to accept what Allah has planned for us. This concept of total self submission to God is called "Redha" in Islam. It is also 1 of the 6 pillars of rukun Iman in Islam - calling us to believe in "qadhak and qadar". Someone can say that he/she would accept whatever happens to his/her life, but deep inside, only he/she knows the true feelings of relief or dissatisfaction to Allah's test.

I am being tested by Allah at the moment. Infact everyone is, only whether you realize it or not. If you feel that everything is perfect in your life at the moment e.g. being married to a wonderful spouse, having charming kids, beautiful house, good job, caring parents, supportive friends, nice car, etc, you are also actually being tested by Allah, to assess whether you are grateful, whether you realize it or not. Have you paid that "zakat wang simpanan" of yours? Have you conducted "aqiqah/korban" when you have that extra bonus fund? Sometimes we tend to forget that someday all that we have will be gone at an instance, should Allah wishes to take it away from us. That's exactly why when something happens, try as best to find the "hikmah" behind it, no matter how hard.

A "test" and "redha" are totally inter-twined. You can feel the two when something like this happens:
  1. Something really unexpected happens. A test.
  2. You start to wonder what you have done wrong? Why is this happening? Why me?
  3. You totally decline to accept the fate (self-denial).
  4. You go on having bad days (yeah, like the song by Daniel Powter really helps!)
  5. Bay days upon bad days.
  6. For those who is searching for "calmness" period, may try to pray hard and perform extra prayer (solat taubat, solat hajat, solat tahajud, etc).
  7. Continuous praying and hoping that something better will happen.
  8. Finally realize that "heck with it!". Life is too short to bother too long on a happening.
  9. Start to gradually accept the fate, and voila - slowly that "redha" will come, insya Allah.
Now, how to sustain the "redha" is another humongous task. It is WAY too heavy to be handled by novice. I guess it comes with age and experience. And of course that thing called "wisdom" - comes with knowledge and continuous passion for learning.

After all that process, you will realize that indeed, we are not a person whom we called who we are, until and unless we are tested. It will manifest our true self and whether we subscribe wholly to this particular concept in rukun Iman called "kepercayaan kepada qadhak dan qadar". Bravo for today! I really need extra dose of motivation!


mark said...

I always try very hard to tell myself that any "dugaan" is an opportunity to strengthen my "iman". Very hard indeed and require a lot of faith and perseverance. Good thing you share thoughts on this which enable me to pause a while and look back on how I have done. So far still trying..

Zaidah M said...

good one dalin. I have realized that my greatest test is my happy and stress-free moments, because it is so easy to forget the Almighty when life is all good.

You hang in there, girl. Insya Allah, things will get better.

Hayati Kehidupan said...

Kita redha selepas berusaha dan berdoa. Untuk mendapat sifat redha.... belajar untuk MELEPASKAN...... Life is to short.... ENJOY while you can :)