Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's Almost Over

Aku faham benar perasaan Abby Abadi. Terpampang satu Malaya kisah rumahtangga dia dgn husband si Norman Hakim. Sebenarnya ini kisah biasa. Tapi sebab dia tu celebrity, kisahnya jadik muka depan banyak suratkhabar satu Malaya. Kesian...rahsia rumahtangga yg bukan lagi satu rahsia.

Semalam aku sempat baca Kosmo. Alkisah Abby telah membawa 20 orang wartawan ke lokasi penggambaran Gerak Khas utk bertemu dgn suaminya yg tgh shooting. Sampai situ, dia hulurkan satu borang utk suaminya sign. Biasalah, permohonan utk cerai secara fasakh. Apa itu cerai fasakh?

Cerai Fasakh (source -

You can apply for fasakh (dissolution of marriage by order from the Court) from your State Syariah Court if you can prove either one of these conditions:

1. Your husband has treated you cruelly (e.g. been violent to you either physically or mentally, associated with prostitutes, forced you into immoral behaviour, obstructed your religious obligations, mistreated your property or according to Syariah law treated you unequally compared to his other wife/wives);
2. Your husband has not maintained you for at least three months;
3. Your husband has been sent to prison for three years or more;
4. Your husband has left home and not been contactable for at least one year;
5. Your husband is impotent or has refused sexual intercourse after at least four months of marriage, or for at least one year;
6. Your husband has been insane for at least two years;
7. Your husband is suffering from leprosy, vitilago or a sexually transmitted disease;
8. Your consent to marriage was given by force, mistake or unsound mind; or
9. You have since marriage, has a mental disorder which renders you unfit for marriage.

Maybe dalam kes Abby, dia boleh apply based on Norman tak balik rumah for a few months. Apa jadik pada nafkah zahir dan batin? Hanya Allah yg tahu.

Tapi kenapa Abby seperti jadik pompuan giler? Kosmo report semalam Abby baru saja melahirkan anak ketiga sebulan 9 hari yg lepas. Sebab dia sgt stress, dia jadiklah macam tu. Ada orang berkata sinis "Dia tu tgh giler meroyan tu". Apa itu meroyan? Omputeh panggil "Postpartum Depression".

Postpartum Depression (source -
Depression after childbirth is called postpartum depression. Hormonal changes may trigger symptoms of postpartum depression. When you are pregnant, levels of the female hormones estrogen (ESS-truh-jen) and progesterone (proh-JESS-tur-ohn) increases greatly. In the first 24 hours after childbirth, hormone levels quickly return to normal. Researchers think the big change in hormone levels may lead to depression. This is much like the way smaller hormone changes can affect a woman’s moods before she gets her period.

Certain factors may increase your risk of depression during and after pregnancy:
1. a personal history of depression or another mental illness
2. a family history of depression or another mental illness
3. a lack of support from family and friends
4. anxiety or negative feelings about the pregnancy
5. problems with a previous pregnancy or birth
6. marriage or money problems
7. stressful life events
8. young age
9. substance abuse

Women who are depressed during pregnancy have a greater risk of depression after giving birth.

Tapi semalam, permohonan Abby di mahkamah ditolak kerana kemukakan dokumen yg tidak lengkap. Dia tak bawak segala dokumen yg dulu dia pernah cerai dan rujuk semula dlm masa seminggu tahun 2006. Dia jugak kena korek balik carik sijil nikah yg ori. Dia perlukan kerjasama suaminya utk sediakan semua dokumen tu. Barulah hajat dia akan tercapai.

Tapi apa reaksi Norman? Dia kata "Saya masih sayangkan keluarga saya. Byk hati yg saya perlu jaga". Tapi hati siapa yg dia jaga sesangat tu? Menurut Abby, Norman selalu puji girlfren dia di depan Abby, dgn kata2 seperti "Memey bagus, Memey ini, Memey itu". Eh, pantang orang pompuan tau, suami puji pompuan lain depan isteri. Tambahan lagik kalau girlfren. Jadik, hati siapakah yg Norman jaga sangat2 tu?

Bolehkah rumahtangga mereka diselamatkan? Ini satu ujian yg maha hebat utk kedua-duanya. Byk hikmah dan pengajaran dlm kisah ini. Bottomline, kembali pada agama kita. Apa Islam kata mengenai perkahwinan. Di situ segala persoalan akan terjawab.

Marilah kita doakan mereka kembali bersatu jika tidak mahu arasy bergegar buat kesekian kalinya. AMIN.


Ulwan Lomooi said...

dear a 'stuck' mama,
My comment is nothing to do with your article. I'd linked your blog with my blog. Enjoy!

Noraidalin Buang said...

Trimas..sebagai cikgu Inggeris hang yg lampau, mari aku betulkan sedikit grammar hang.

"My comment HAS nothing to do with your article. I'VE linked your blog to MINE".

I like your attitude and drive to continuously improve your skill in English language. Bravo! Keep it up!