Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Why So Many?

Why do I write so many entries today? I've just realized that when I feel that I need a break, I write in my blog. If other people were to pick up the phone, play SMS, smoke, eat, drink, for a break, I on the other hand, would write for my blog!

I've got so many things to tell...sometimes I wonder when I see postings of others with title like "Aku takde idea tapi nak tulis jugak" or "Apa-apa je lah"...Why I've got this so many many things to write about but could not find the time to write? I've even listed down a few more topics to write about which will be coming up soon.....

Sigh......is this what people called Escapism?


akmalhizam said...

was a bit surprised to see a few entries within a short span.
keep on writing, sis.

Noraidalin Buang said...

Yeah, what is wrong with me?? Do u know that I've got 6 more topics to write about? These are greatest moments in life, and some are really really eye openers and eventful that I think I just have to capture them in writings. Gosh...maybe I need a vacation in far away land....:))