Monday, November 17, 2008

Songs of the Week

1. I'm Yours - Jason Mraz
2. Tercipta Untukku - Ungu
3. Kenangan Terindah - Samsons
4. Dibius Cinta - Melly Goeslow feat. Yusry KRU

When people are in love, they like to dedicate beautiful songs to their lover. It could be on the ground of the music, beat, but most of all, it's because of the lyrics. Sometimes we want to tell others how we feel, and the best way to tell that is via songs. Beautiful feelings via beautiful songs.

But what happen after they get married? Somehow this little gesture called "songs dedication" would die off naturally. Why? Is it wrong or weird that a person were to dedicate songs to the wife/husband? Somehow in our community, I guess it's just not natural to do it after the holy matrimony. Why? What's the root cause of all this?

Among little gestures to let the fire burning in a relationship is to dedicate songs to your partner. I strongly believe that by doing this, all the heartache, bad memories, regrets, could be lessned if not wiped out totally from one's heart.

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