Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008 Memoirs – The Year of Major Turning Point

Added an heir - birth of Eusoff Ikbar Eka on 27th March 2008 at Hospital Penawar, Pasir Gudang, Johor. Beginning of more days staying in Mutiara Rini's house to foster closer family ties.

Moved slightly ahead. Works become more interesting when you are to lead and have the freedom to decide on your own action items. Was given chance to participate in 3 team buildings, and yet I only see improvements in camaraderie for a short while after the session. This is definitely not the answer to enhance team work. Pay jump? Rezeki terpijak dari Allah. Alhamdulillah.

Side Income
Progressed at slower pace. Not as hectic since everyone was on “wait and see” game. Had to push more for Dollar Cost Averaging concept.

Distinguished friends. Good friends are those around you who would stick through thick and thin. Select them wisely and they will not disappoint you in time of need. “A friend in need is a friend indeed”. They may not necessarily be your physical friends. Cyber friends are even superb.

Got evolvement in connection. Never underestimate the power of the cyber world. Tons of information is available on everything. If you think you have a problem and no where to turn to, try to “google” it and find the right community – people who are experiencing the same problem as you, or even worst. Learn from the experience of one another. The advice is free, and you can remain anonymous.

Learned about the invaluable lesson in love. Ultimate love must be to Allah, not to people or things. Sounds so cliché but one lesson worth noting by going through one very strenuous experience. Thank God I could maintain my sanity and health.

Experienced the true meaning of sacrifice. It is difficult to put interest of others above your own, but at certain critical time, it is paramount that you sacrifice your id, ego and superego to give way for the people that you love.

Understood the theory of destiny. Sometimes you think that your destiny is already fixed and pre-determined – when, where, how, with who. When something hit, then only you realize that you have to work hard to make that destiny real. Never ever take things and people for granted.

Learned to forgive and forget. “Belajar untuk menerima dan kemudian, melepaskan”. Easier said than done. Very challenging indeed. All that are around us, are just lent to us by Allah, can be taken anytime. Sink it deep.

Pray and always pray to complement all efforts. Don’t forget to pray whenever and wherever – in the car while driving, in the kitchen while cooking, in the office while typing, etc. Purify the heart for a better chance that the prayer be answered.

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