Thursday, December 11, 2008

Is it worth it?

Have we ever thought about why we go to work everyday? Besides the obvious - paycheck, what else? Possible reasons that I could think of:
  1. As part of the society (in a rat race actually).
  2. For the status (well, to be in employment means we are secured financially at least).
  3. As an ibadah (to fulfil responsibility in providing for the family or supporting the family)
But which one and what exactly drives us to go to work every single day? To spend 1/3 of our life in the working place, it's really eating into our life span. Is it due to the challenges the work provide?

My quest in searching for the answer has brought me to myriad types of employees. But most worrying is when people go to work just because they need the money, nothing else. Yes, the money factor is important, but what is it beyond money? If money is the only factor, then it will lead to the problem that people couldn't care less about the company's health. And this is the very core of my problem - people are not interested to participate in programs to improve the company's bottom line. No doubt they want more bonus and benefits, but they simply couldn't care of doing what they're supposed to do to bring the company to greater height (I know, may sound a little bit annoying when I use such phrases!).

It's like telling a child, if you want that PS2 or that toy that you really have fancied for a long time, you must study hard and prove to me your results. But can we tell that to people who've been working for 5,10, 15,20, 30 years? Errr...sirs....madams.....if you wish to get more bonus or merits at the end of the year, and if you want your children and their children to see the company still exist, please do this and this and this...who likes it??

When people fail to see beyond the money factor, they will also jeopardize their connection with people and ultimately with God (hablumminallah wa hablumminannas). It will drag them further and further to that bottom pit of hell without them realizing. Then, who's responsibility is it to help them realize and slowly pull them up? Anyone close to them actually. You and me. No one else. Just make sure that we do not fall for the same trap. I believe that the effort we put in to save our friends or ourselves for that matter if we are one of them, is worth much much more than what deeds we can ever thought of. Is it worth it - more than you can imagine!

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