Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Work Your B*** Out!

Yesterday lunch, I flipped Berita Harian newspaper and this particular Letter to the Editor really infuriated me. The gist of his predicament and hence, proposal is:
  1. He wishes to get married, but has not enough money.
  2. He plans to borrow from bank, but thought that the interest maybe high.
  3. Out of nowhere, somebody must have poked his cereblum/cerebrum somewhere and voila - why not use the EPF money?
  4. He writes to the newspaper to gain some support, I guess.

With quite unstable frame of mind (yeah, yesterday was really a bad day for me at work), I straight away drafted a refute letter to squash this dim-witted proposal and emailed it to the editor. It got published today, with some editing.

The quintessence of my rebuttal :
  1. EPF is the only source for survival after retirement for many people, since most of us find it very difficult to save (be it for emergency, what more for retirement with rising prices of goods and services).
  2. While you are still healthy and working, learn to plan your matrimony date, learn to save bit by bit and therefore, you don't have to borrow from banks. There's simply no short cut in this.
  3. And above all, my mom used to say - Kalau gajah ber** besar, kancil pun nak ber** besar, nanti abislah bunt** koyak. Paham tak? Sendiri mau pikir lah bro.
I am glad that the editor publish my letter the very next day. But one thing bother me though. My 4th point was scrapped. I wrote that people who wish to get married should pay more attention and invest in themselves to prepare for life after marriage which demand commitment and of higher responsibility. What we see these days is people who're going to get married so busy preparing and thinking of The Big Day only and totally forget about preparing themselves psyhologically and spiritually for life after marriage. What a pity...

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