Monday, December 15, 2008

Limau Anyone?

All these while, I've always confused of the three types of limau there are in this world as gourmet enricher. The confusion intensified when I had started to cook more often with the advent of the new wet kitchen.

I have always thought that there are only 2 types of limau:

  1. Limau Kasturi/Nipis (the small one - interchangeably used both in cooking and in semantic)
  2. Limau Purut (the big one)
As a result, when a recipe requires the use of limau nipis, I thought it's the small species. When my mom-in-law had mentioned a recipe which ingredient includes limau nipis, I paraphrased her description to limau purut, which she said "Bukan". This confusion really irritated me.

To put a halt to this unhealthy state of mind, I had performed a visual research at a hypermart. There are infact 3 types of limau. There are:

  1. Limau Kasturi (the small one)
  2. Limau Nipis (the big one - with smooth surface)
  3. Limau Purut (the big one - with edgy surface)
See pictures below.
The bottom ones are Limau Nipis, the top right hand corner with very few quantities are Limau Purut, and the normal small species are Limau Kasturi.

A packet of Limau Kasturi was sold at RM3++. Same price for Limau Nipis. Only Limau Purut command higher price.

Going back to nature, this is how a grown up producing tree of Limau Kasturi looks like. Pix taken at Mr. X's kampung. Everytime we went back, I surely pack a plastic bag full of this limau, to be used as taste enhancer for BUDU.

Finally, puzzle solved!


akmalhizam said...

thanks for this entry.
i'll refer to this whenever i'm at lost on types of limau.
err... tak letak lemon sekali?

Noraidalin Buang said...

Lemon species mat salleh. Hang jer yg interested sebab selalu masak western ni..heh..heh...I'm referring more to masakan melayu la...

Jasmine said...

thanks for the informative post!