Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Sometimes, we do not realize that what we have is already the best of what God has bestowed upon us.
Sometimes, we refuse to acknowledge that what we have is the best there is.
Sometimes, we wish that our loved one is someone else.
Sometimes, we wish that we could turn back time so that we can be with another person.
Sometimes, we forget the deeds of others just to satisfy our own desire.
Sometimes, we always think about someone whom we cannot be with at the expense of the one who loves us the most.
Sometimes, we question why God does not grant what we wish for.
Sometimes, we hurt the people around us without realizing.
Sometimes, we do not care about the feelings of others because our feelings are more important.
Sometimes, we refuse to accept the written fate from God because we think we know ourselves better.
Sometimes, we decline to improve things since we think it will not change anything.
Sometimes, all we care about is ourselves, at the expense of our loved ones.

For all that matter,

"Jika kamu bersyukur atas segala nikmat, akan Aku lipatgandakan nikmat ke atas mu,
Jika kamu kufur akan nikmat yang Aku berikan, ketahuilah sesungguhnya azab Aku adalah sangat berat".

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