Friday, January 9, 2009

Pukul Berapa Pak Harimau?

Hari ini kesabaran saya sungguh tercabar dengan bank rimau. Saya rasa dalam banyak-banyak bank, bank rimau paling hebat dari segi membuat untung, terutama untung tersembunyi tanpa pengetahuan pelanggan. Tapi hari ini saya tercabar dengan cara bank rimau melayan pelanggan. Bank rimau ni saya teka cita-cita dia nak jadi setaraf dengan bank-bank antarabangsa. Tapi kalau beginilah kelakuannya, jangan harap nak duduk semeja, duduk kat lantai pun tak layak seadanya.

Saya pulak ada banyak akaun dengan bank rimau ni. Gaji masuk sini, pinjaman rumah kat sini, Encik X punya pinjaman kereta pun kat sini jugak. Dulu siap buat pinjaman ASB dan ada kredit kad dengan si pak belang ni. Tapi memandangkan layanan pak belang ni dah semakin teruk, saya jadi tawar hati nak jadi pelanggan setia. Sedikit demi sedikit akaun saya dengan bank rimau saya kurangkan.

Entah kenapa tengahari tadi saya rasa sangat kecewa dengan bank rimau. Is it that time of the month? I don't think so. Untuk melepaskan perasaan kecewa ini, saya telah melayari laman web bank rimau dan melepaskan geram saya. Saya tak harap jawapan, cuma saya harap akan ada perubahan minda pada pekerja dan pengurusan bank rimau ni. Inilah komen saya:

ASB Number Quota and Cash Deposit Machine at Maybank Pasir Gudang, Johor.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I went to Maybank Pasir Gudang, Johor branch at 1.00pm today (Friday, 9th Jan. 2009) to do ASB (Amanah Saham Bumiputera) transaction. This was what your front desk personnel said “ASB tak boleh buat, nombor dah habis” = “ASB, can’t do. Running out of numbers”. I was stunned upon hearing this statement.

How can a commercial, profit-making, business entity emulate the practice of government agencies e.g. National Registration Council, Immigration, etc in restricting fulfillment of the customers’ needs? Not all customers have the luxury of time to spend to do transactions in banks, and when we do find the time and visit the bank, we want things to be settled. It is well known and Maybank should have anticipated that there will be greater crowd than usual for ASB depositors to do transactions in early January. Maybank should have found better alternatives and strategized to fulfill this need, rather than restricting customers’ access for service. If Maybank thinks that it is a service of low value and non-profitable to process ASB’s transactions, by all means you can withdraw from being the so-called authorized agent for ASB. Because I couldn’t process my ASB at Maybank, I went instead at the neighboring bank – CIMB. They entertained all customers equally – whether doing ASB or not. I simply couldn’t understand that your personnel would rather have idle time at the counters, rather than processing needs for ASB customers (I did go up to 1st floor, only around 4-5 customers were there).

Next is on the Cash Deposit Machine. Maybank Pasir Gudang has 3 such machines, but all are in terrible miserable shape. Slow in processing and always “Out of Service”. I tried to deposit some amount at 2.00pm today, but the machine (unit no.2, in the middle), kept on telling me that my notes were “rejected”. After trying many times, only half went through in the 10 minutes duration. Frustrated, I cancelled the transaction. I did think about doing the process at the counter, but when thinking about your imposed charge for such service, it really turned me off completely.

Here is my proposal for you to improve:
  1. Never ever impose numbering quota for ASB customers. Strategize for better ways to fulfill ASB customers’ needs at early January every year. If you think it is of low value service, stop from being the authorized agent.
  2. Upgrade the Cash Deposit Machines and ensure regular maintenance. You encourage customers to use the machines by charging a fee for all counter transactions. Hence, it is paramount for you ensure that the machines serve their purpose to expedite transactions, not slower the process.
I really hope that you will take actions on this matter. As one of the most valuable brands in Malaysia, it is a disgrace that such petty missteps could bring down your reputation and goodwill. Your service really leaves much to be desired.


Rock Oi! said...

betul tu kak!! argghh tensionnye ngan maybank punya service!!so terrible! aritu gi kuarkan ASB,udpate buku bratur da la sejam berator,,pastu kuarkan duit makan 2 jam,,dtg awal pagi tuh..sbbnya 1 kaunter saja yg dia bukak utk pengeluaran ASB..kaunter2 lain banyak tak tau utk urusan apa,tapi yg x puas atinye kaunter2 lain lenganggg jekkk,,kenape ek,suke ke tgk org sesak2 kat dalam bank tu,siap ada yg duduk2 kat atas tangga..ada yg da kuar pastu bila nombor naik,orgnya xde..tu juga faktor jadi makin lambat...patutnya bukakla 3-4 kaunter ke..kat situ ada dalam 7 kaunter kalau x silap,ni nak lepaskan marah kat maybank seri alam masai.,.dia org ni xde solution langsung nak elakkan bende2 camni,,maybank punye customer service mmg hancus..

eheh x pasal2 terluahkan kat sini..hihi

jafa @ the panjang said...

ya.. maybang pg mmg teruk. hehe.
ingat tak dulu2.. masa kita kecik2, nak amik duit yang susah. kene beratur, isi borang, cap jari.. n so on.
tp skrg, nak masuk duit plak susah. dunia dah makin maju kot..

tapi kan.. muskil la.. camne u bole ter came acroos my place? pelik ni..

Noraidalin Buang said...

Bro Rock - next time direct the complaint in their website. Tulis melayu jer, hentam cukup2.

Bro Jafa - thru Akmal Hizam's blog ler..