Wednesday, January 7, 2009

True Love

A friend told me of a theory shared by his friend. The theory says that the most genuine true love is when you fall in love during school days or college days. Why? Because at that time, you love the person for who he/she really is. Not for his status/power/money, etc.

Fast forward a bit. Working era. If you are still single and want to find partner during working days, of course being a little smarter, you'd look into the person's money, status and power. It is expected.

And hence, there are cases in which people in their 40's, would divorce their partner and leave behind their children just because they accidentally/purposely find their old flame way back during college days. It is not surprising. The feelings are mutual for both male and female.

So, how do you extinguish the flame if it is still burning while both have separated and lead separate lives? Maybe we need another hypothesis to solve this theory.


Anonymous said...

i like a guy in my high schooldays beacuse he was cute....

hm...pandang rupa la kire....

does it still can be considered to be in the 'range' of true love?


now..i find out he has became more menly and not 'cute' anymore..whahahah.....naseb baik

akmalhizam said...

Don't ever discuss about the past with your old flame whenever you have a chat with him/her.
This would not be an easy thing to do, so the much better option is to erase him/her completely from your mind and life.

At the same time, accept your spouse's shortcomings (VERY important) and cherish highly his/her plus points. Not an easy thing to do either, as we human beings are prone to accept only good things, and criticise the bad ones.

Naza and I, we rekindle the early moments when we were deeply in love (during college days = must be true love, then). That makes us feel youthful and strengthen the bond.

Noraidalin Buang said...

Lydia - definition of "cute" is prominently different during school days and working days. School = face cute. Work = pocket cute. Hahaha...

Bro Akmal - as always, you two are exemplary of how husbands and wives should be. Jeles woo..