Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Asta La Vista 687

Origin - need a number that sums up to be 21. Why? It is supposed to hinder you from any bad things to happen to the car, I guess. Well, so far it has proven to be not as helpful as I had expected.

Application - first was for my Proton Wira Aeroback JGH 687. Then it was traded in to get the Odyssey. Second was for the Myvi JJW 687. Now that this too will be traded in, there'll be no more 687. The cost to maintain the number will be RM700. Who wants to pay that amount?

Hence, farewell to this number. For me it's just a number. But not for Mr. X. He has use it as an identity, as shown in his primary email address. It is difficult to let go, for him. Unfortunately, it still has to be let go. Let's bygone be bygone. We turn a new leaf over ok honey (I'm writing this as if Mr. X would read this entry).

I may welcome 5565, or 6636, or 7707....or something to that effect. Why the sum has to be 21? Still a big question to me.

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