Monday, March 16, 2009

Shift - The Future

I have to travel from home to work almost 45km per way every day. 1 hour journey in the morning and another hour in the evening. I have to commute via a highway most famous for road accidents, since the people in power have the thinking that there are other bigger matters to solve than to widen the highway. Fatalities are nothing. Serious injuries are nothing. Productivity lost is nothing. What more the traffic jam - doesn't even touch the tip of their cerebrum (or is it cereblum??). I guess they will only feel the importance and plight of the commuters once they are trapped in one heinous jam. Let's together pray now!

Lately, I've been experiencing a pain around my right ankle up to the knee. I really couldn't assess the real reason, but my guess is the longer hours spent on the road (since the advent of the new kitchen, I've been trying to reach home fast to cook for my dear Mr. X). Hence I have to go through the jam at its most peak hours. The pain started a few months ago, but has become excruciating lately.

After the cooking and bathing and praying, I have to again hop on the car to fetch our kids. Bring them back and only my nice Mr.X will reach home. In total, I have to spend almost 3 hours in a car daily. That's minus the unpredictable traffic jam should some stupid lorry break down, major accidents, minor kisses between cars, etc etc on the stupid highway. Why I am telling you this? Because the car is not merely a transport for me, taking me from one point to the other. The car is my mode of safe transportation and tool to maintain my sanity and health.

Besides the pain, the Myvi also has been through a lot. If refer to my previous entry, the car has suffered quite a few number of misadventure compared to its other siblings which I've owned before. Why I am telling you this? Because I've been searching for a replacement. I've visited a few numbers of showrooms and Mr. X helped me to surf the net in our quest to find the one which can meet my need.

Let me see. We have visited showrooms of Honda and Toyota. I've tested drive Vios and City and Civic. The sales people did not really treat us nice, cause maybe they were thinking that we were not serious enough. Normally Mr. X would just wear selipar jepun and me in my usual weekend outfit, maybe the image is simply not there. Actually we did that to assess the sales people skills as well. Remember Julia Robert's encounter with the boutique sales woman in Pretty Woman? Sometimes we like to do that for fun.

But last Saturday we visited Nissan. Nissan has quite a number of good cars, but due to its inferior image compared to media potrayal of the other 2 types of imported brands, it has been lying low. I remember going to see our children's paed and I really really envied her car. Someday I wish that I can own one. It was a Nissan.

The salesman was damn good. We got to test drive any car that we wanted and he really treated us nice. Due to the excellent treatment we got at Nissan, plus my good memory of the paed's car, I think that I am going for a Nissan next. Let me introduce it later. Meanwhile, it can be found at


umie zazzy said...

wahh.. org lain sibuk ekonomi gawat.. ko lak nk tukar keta.. alhamdulillah... x sabar nk tgk keta baru..

Rock Oi! said...

hehe sama mcm saya lak kak,meredah sepanjang panjang highway PG tuh 1 way je about 65KM, nak ikutkan keje tak la penat sgt,tapi travel pegi balik keje redah highway PG tu yg kadang2 rasa lagi letih dgn jam teruk..bila naik keta rasa nak naik motor lak pegi keje,bole mencilok,tapi bila naik motor rasa nak naik keta pulak dah pasal kalau hujan mmg leceh sket..hehe..bulan lepas dah menyondol keta org kat highway PG masa pagi2 nak gi keje..nasib org xde apa2..emm x sabar2 nak tunggu highway baru siap..

eheh dapur lawa mesti la kene berasap slalu kan hehe...bibik tak masak ke kat umah..biasa bibik2 masak mesti sedap punya kan.. mesti eka dah jarang makan luar ni hehe,,,

nak amik nissan apa kak? wow cayalah..dalam kepala saya dah pk murano,cefiro atau livina ni,,hehe,,

mrsloke said...

congratulations for boosting the economy.
tak sure if it applies to all nissan model... tapi nissan cars are famous for high fuel consumption. guess you better check out reviews on that too.

Noraidalin Buang said...

Yatt - Terpaksalah, kaki sakit sangat. Hope pakai kete yg selesa sikit, kaki ok sikit. Makcik penat...kalo ada driver lagik best...pakcik tak nak u..

Bro. Rock - dapur cantik kenalah puan rumah masak, bukan bibik..nak kejar berkat le beb...kete yg u teka semua salah belaka...itu sume kete org lelaki lah..pompuan x minat tuh...heh..heh...

Mrsloke - we did check, looks ok on reviews. Infact better since it got safety features which are recognized as the best in class. Nanti dah pakai aku buat fuel comsumption report eh..

Rock Oi! said...

huh,,,tekaan sume salah ker..emmm mmg surprised la ni,,eheh

Nisa Minhad said...

yatt, nanti bila dah jenguk ko pon rasa nak masak kat situ :D. tengok lar caner semangak nyer dalin laa ni. bukan sume umi-umi yang penat2 balik keje, redah jem tabah hati nak masak2 lg. hemmmm aku ni bila lah boleh pi umah korang sume :(

dalin aku rasa ko yg cute ni, akak rasa lah sesuaiii ngan latio. aduhai, comel sungguh....