Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Azam Baru - Dapur Baru - Azam Baru

Lately, work at office has taken a toll on me. I have grown to be a person with less emotional connection to my work, and I have developed a habit of being cynical and saying some ruthless words to people who seem to slow down my work progress or go against the flow.

For de-stressing effort, besides writing in my blog, I enjoy spending time to prepare dish for the family in the new kitchen. I know that the look maybe exhilirating, but I have yet to get encouraging comment from reviewers, especially my favourite consumer. Very difficult to get a good review.

Ikan siakap masak masam manis.

Nasi Ayam Madu - close up

Nasi Ayam Madu - complete spread
I am in dire need for a dose of motivation at work, as well as at home, I guess. Perhaps the new car can serve as a short term injection for the motivation to go to work and earn a living.


akmalhizam said...

looks yummy.
err.. want my review on the dishes?
bring me some.

Rock Oi! said...

aduuuhaiiiii...meleleh air liur dahhh ni tgk gambar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bila bole try rasa ni?????????????? gurllppppppp!! kalau mcm ni bile DDNP leh serbu umah ni? hehehhehehee

umie zazzy said...

isskk.. nyesal lak aku x belek2 dapur umah ko hr tu... masa tu x tau citer dapur tu baru.. next timelaa klu ada chance..

hurul said...

lin... rajinnye u..!!

Noraidalin Buang said...

Dapur ni kira mcm satu investment on my part. Dah belanja ribu riban buat renovation, so I thought that the outcome must be worth it, both physically and emotionally, not to mention spiritually too.

Rock Oi - DDNP nak dtg ke? Buat collection, nanti boleh masak spaghetti pulak. Tapi per head mesti at least RM15. Bahan mentah je tu, peluh chef tak kira lagik. :).