Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Think A Little Thing

Pernah tak agaknya kita terfikir kenapa minyak ada banyak kat Negara Arab?
Bayangkan, Malaysia hanya keluarkan minyak sekitar 840,000 tong sehari.
Bandingkan dengan:

Arab Saudi – 11,200,000 tong sehari (13 x ganda)
Kuwait – 2,800,000 tong sehari (3 x ganda)
UAE – 3,400,000 tong sehari (4 x ganda)
Iran – 4,000,000 tong sehari (5 x ganda)

Pernah tak agaknya kita terfikir?

Have you come across a verse in the Quran which means:

Tanda2 kebesaran Allah itu ada di langit dan di dalam diri kamu sendiri, hanya kamu yg tidak mengetahui.
Dan di antara tanda2 kekuasaan Allah itu Dia menciptakan langit dan bumi, dan ianya menjadi tanda2 bagi golongan yang berfikir ketika mereka berdiri, duduk dan berbaring.

If you go to ESQ training, they will showcase the whole built of the universe for you to reflect how little you are relative to God’s creation. If a person thinks that he/she is so great at the moment, he/she should try to find a dotting place in the universe. You are not even a peanut, a dust. You are nothing. One thing for sure, things will become clear that Mecca is in fact the center of the universe, not just the planet Earth. And realize it or not, all things in the universe are circling around and facing the great Kaaba. They are all indeed are zikiring (berzikir).

After being taken into a journey outside planet Earth and throughout the universe, you’ll be taken into a journey inside yourself. Zooming in from your skin, your bone, your blood vein, and the smallest element inside your body is indeed your DNA built. And guess what the DNA is doing? They are also circling around, zikiring (berzikir).

Pernah tak agaknya kita terfikir?

I’ve discussed this with another ESQ alumni and asked her the wonder of Allah and His creation, and why we are not the ones to discover all these things? Why not muslims? Why non-muslims who have created, innovated, researched, and revealed a lot of new things which by right is the responsibility of a muslim? The rich OPEC nations by right should have funded a lot of research on many areas for advancement of technology and human life but what are they doing? That day she said something which I will surely remember for life. She said:

“Sebab kita bukan dari golongan mereka yang berfikir”.

I got struck by her comment. That’s the answer. That’s why a hadith quoted that 1 minute of reflection is better than 1000 solat sunat. Have you ever thought about the greatness of Allah’s creation and reflect it on yourself?

Pernah tak agaknya kita terfikir?

So, kenapa agaknya negara Arab ni Allah bagi banyak sangat minyak dan gas? Jomlah kita bertukar2 idea. Get the brain to work a little.


Yummy Yum said...

pasal minyak banyak kat negara arab tu memang Allah bagi kelebihan kat negara islam, iaitu emas hitam (minyak)..kalau tengok mana ada minyak kat negara bukan yang aku dengar dari orang yang bercakap wallahualam..

umie zazzy said...

mmg terlalu byk keajaiban yg Allah bg kat negara arab... pernah sorg kenalan non-muslim ( chinese ) kata teringin sgt nk tgk kawasan mekah, sbb katanya keluasan kwsn tu sbnrnya x sepadan dgn jumlah manusia yg ditampung, especially musim haji... wallahu a'lam..