Friday, March 27, 2009

Eusoff is 1!

Today is Eusoff's 1st birthday - 27th March.
Eusoff's life has been filled with a lot of turmoil and tribulations, but I hope he will grow to be a healthy, fillial, kind, responsible, generous and soleh son.

Today also I should get my new car - wah, what a co-incident.
Then the relationship shall go as this:
Eusoff - car - mama.

Mama will always love you.

Eusoff' at a few days old.

Eusoff at almost 1 year.


Nisa Minhad said...

happy birthday eusoff :). semoga menjadi anak yang soleh berjaya dunia akhirat dan mendoakan kedua ibu-bapa sepanjang hayat, amin...

dalin, dun forget to have special entry of ur new car :)

Noraidalin Buang said...

Thanks dear. Wokey, akan aku usahakan.